POSITIVISM, let this mind be in you. I would like to preface this writing by saying that god/source is everywhere. It begs to say then every path leads to god/SOURCE just as every path leads to your destiny, and the joint destiny of the planet. The mind of SOURCE supersedes all thought. Thoughts are things/forms that already exist in the planet when we arrive. Join me as we explore some thoughts and dissect them. This is the place we have the conversation, within the confines of our own mind. This book is a guided conversation with our thoughts. Our second book in this series. Keep the thoughts positive. In writing this book, my soul's intent was to learn and to think in terms of energy. To raise and maintain a high level of consciousness by having an inward conversation. Join me. Consciousness is more than enough.
Positivism, Let This Mind Be In You (eBook)
Genre: Philosophy
File Type: EPUB, compatible with Google Play Books and Apple Books
Pages: 204
1st Edition
This electronic book is published by Conscious Investments LLC. Please do not redistribute this e-book without our legal authorization.